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Invited Speakers

Muxina Konarova

The University of Queensland, Australia

Update time:2023-04-17 15:08

Presentation title: “Enabling Hydrogen Storage and Transport: Unleashing Cost-Effective Potential through Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers”.

Dr. Muxina Konarova is a Senior Lecturer at The University of Queensland (UQ) in the School of Chemical Engineering. She gained her PhD in Chemical Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Since 2016, Dr Konarova has attracted >$3M in competitive research funding as a Chief Investigator, including ARC Linkage, ARC Discovery and ARENA grants. In the past seven years, Dr Konarova coordinated $1.2M in industry partnered projects and supervised a research team comprised of three postdoctoral researchers and four PhD students with successful, industry relevant outcomes. Her research team focuses on the development of environmentally friendly chemical processes, aiming to address climate change, waste utilisation, and develop technical solutions for a circular economy.

Dr. Konarova has received a Monash Engineering Women's Leadership Award (2016) and represented Australian early/mid-career researchers at the VI World Materials Summit (2017) in Strasbourg, France. Dr Konarova was invited by ABC Radio (2018) to discuss how valuable products could be extracted from plastic waste; by the Hydrogen Connect Summit (H2Q, 2022) to discuss innovative technologies that promote clean hydrogen production, transport, and storage; and by the Royal Society of Chemistry to serve as Guest Editor for a themed collection on biorefining in Sustainable Energy & Fuels.

Important Dates

Preliminary Technical Program

August 15, 2023

Conference Registration

September 4, 2023

Conference Date

September 5-6, 2023

Post Technical-Visit

September 7, 2023